International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property


N.B.: General country data and external links have been provided by the Member State. * Uploaded: 06/2020

General Country data

The main cultural assets of Estonia

Estonia is rich in cultural heritage from different eras. Cultural heritage is a sign of the history of a state and its people as well as a part of our identity. History is not only recorded in historical writings, but also in the cultural environment, customs and habits, buildings, objects and landscapes. Estonian history and cultural heritage is shaped by living on the border between Eastern and Western cultures, having influences from both directions. Browse through Estonian Heritage, published by the Estonian Institute in Tallinn 2017.

The legal framework on cultural heritage conservation

Monuments are protected under the Heritage Conservation Act. The objective of the act is to ensure that monuments and heritage conservation areas are preserved in their traditional environment in order for the people to enjoy our cultural heritage in all its richness and uniqueness today and in the future. Museum collections are regulated by Museums Act. Cultural environments of local significance are regulated by the Planning Act. Additionally, Estonia has joined a number of international conventions, the principles of which form the foundation of heritage conservation work.

The cultural and natural sites on the World Heritage List

Two Estonian sites have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List: Historical Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn; and Struve Geodetic Arc. Items in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage are as follows: Kihnu cultural space; Baltic song and dance celebrations; Seto leelo, Seto polyphonic singing tradition; and Smoke sauna tradition in Võromaa.

Adhesion to ICCROM

Estonia is a Member State of ICCROM since 09/02/2001


Mandates in ICCROM Council since 1958:

No mandates in ICCROM Council

ICCROM Staff since 1959: - None -

Involvement of Estonian Nationals

Activities in/with Estonia since 2002

Activities details

Activities details

  • 2002 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2003 - 1 Technical assistance(s)
  • 2010 - 1 Partnership(s)
  • 2011 - 2 Course(s), 2 Mission(s)
  • 2021 - 1 Course(s), 1 Partnership(s)
  • 2022 - 1 Course(s)

External links

Governmental Cultural Institutions

* ICCROM reserves the right to moderate the content provided by Member States for country profiles to ensure that they remain within the scope of ICCROM’s mission and pertinent to cultural heritage. However, ICCROM does not take responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the content supplied. The ideas and opinions expressed are those of the Member States.